Tirgatha is a hidden realm, nestled beyond the reach of ordinary maps—a place where myths breathe and shadows dance. It is a living archive of tales, weaving together the stories of my characters and those of the unforgettable souls my characters have encountered on their journeys.

As He Sleeps...

The two young High-Elf boys play among themselves outside the families manor within the capital city. Sounds of laughing and screaming as they both pretend to be warriors, defending the realm from its enemies outside the borders. This was all too familiar to the pair,…

The Ring

A roleplay transcript by Etain and Coraline in Moonflower Hollow. Etain Moonflower hugged her sister Coraline tightly before she motioned for the other sisters to join them. “Sisters,” she called to them. “A moment of your time, please,” she softly requested and waited for the…

The Gift

A roleplay transcript by Coraline, Eulena, Kormak and Gisele. Coraline awoke naked in the inn bed with a head that felt like a hammer pounding on a rock. She looked around and slowly gathered herself, realizing where she was and seeing her clothes scattered about…

Murder Alley

Gisele hated the walk home from work. It gave her too much time to reflect on the pervs of the day, and the demanding patrons she had waited on who treated her like a second class citizen. It was those she skimmed from the most.