Tirgatha is a hidden realm, nestled beyond the reach of ordinary maps—a place where myths breathe and shadows dance. It is a living archive of tales, weaving together the stories of my characters and those of the unforgettable souls my characters have encountered on their journeys.

The celestial and the Estril

:: Matisse took a few unsure steps exiting the lift he had just taken up into the tower, making his way towards the only platform extending outwards, noting the figure aboard the ship silently but for now being more interested by the tower itself. He'd…

A Day for All Things New

A roleplay transcript by Coraline, Eulena and Gisele Valentein (played by Etain Moonflower). Coraline strolled into the Wayward King, her eyes darting around the environs. She didn't often come to this part of the city, and had only been inside this inn a couple of…

Another Round

Gisele dipped the nib of her quill to ink and let the excess drip away before she began writing on parchment. She would occasionally look up, moving her gaze about the room of the small pub of the undercity. The barkeep left her alone, which…

New Face at The Wayward King Tavern

A roleplay transcript by Iskrin, Lyrena and Gisele Valentein (played by Etain Moonflower). Iskrin Orin'Darr stepped into the Wayward King with a sour look on his face. He cast his eyes around the room but saw noone of particular interest or important, so made his…