Tirgatha is a hidden realm, nestled beyond the reach of ordinary maps—a place where myths breathe and shadows dance. It is a living archive of tales, weaving together the stories of my characters and those of the unforgettable souls my characters have encountered on their journeys.

Ambush in the Hills of Keshel

A roleplay transcript by Lyrena Auberan, Malekith Helerodis, Caldiin Daetris and Skolvor Vikaris TL;DR - Not everyone can win! :: The Caravan had travelled some distance out of the city, it was quiet for the most part but as they entered into a clearing. ::…

The Cleansing of Moon Willow Forest

A roleplay transcript by Rhea, Rhodan and Etain Rhea was a water nymph, not a flower, but the Anthousai never let her leave the Hollow without at least one blossom on her head. "So that we're always with you." They'd said. Her homebound sisters had…


:: Iskrin Orin'Darr sat taking in the cool evening air in the gardens of the House of Healing. He had found, since Lyrena left, that he could move about without getting dizzy, albeit he continued to be cautious about exerting himself too much. But the…

Enjoy the ride or be broken by the machine

A roleplay transcript by Lyrena Auberan and Iskrin Orin'Darr TL;DR - Lyrena confronts Iskrin about his poor judgement over Ke'ntor. :: Lyrena Auberan had arrived to the House of Healing some minutes ago, greeting Master An'Dorel with a nod. The human didn't look all too…