Tirgatha is a hidden realm, nestled beyond the reach of ordinary maps—a place where myths breathe and shadows dance. It is a living archive of tales, weaving together the stories of my characters and those of the unforgettable souls my characters have encountered on their journeys.

I'm not your type, but you're mine

Her shoes crunched against the debris beneath her feet - small rocks, a candy wrapper, flattened cigarette butts, and broken glass littered the pavement, providing uneven footing for a woman in tall stiletto heels. Regardless, the blonde stepped toward the alley with a supernatural grace…


Lilith stands looking at me with what I judge to be scepticism. After six years working the streets together, I know the look well. It means she has serious doubts about our approach. “Look,” I say, “the bones don’t lie.” She laughs. “No they don’t.


"No, no, no, no, no," she pleaded, stumbling out of bed and hurrying her way over to the mirror. The dream had been a warning. Another warning. The tiny motel room was hot. Her skin was damp, hair damper. She gazed into the mirror and…

Digital Map

"You're late," Marks growled as I sailed past him to step into the little laundromat. My face held no expression until I walked in and pulled my wet clothes from the washing machine to unceremoniously dump them into the waiting dryer that was still hot…