From an RP between Coraline, Lyrena, and Iskrin Coraline led Lyrena through the doors and down the long tunnel into the slave quarters, quietly sneaking into the area. "I come here occasionally. I am curious about the slaves, what their life must be like." She…
A roleplay transcript by Malekith and Etain: Etain Moonflower flitted amongst the nymphs as they worked with their heads bent, deft fingers threading a beautifully dense weave of flowers and vines with moss backing together to form a floral covering for the Hollow. There was…
Malekith returned to the Palace of the Falls after spending the day at The Guardians HQ going over important information that had been gathered in regards to the cultists and their rituals that had been taking place within the city. The guards were instructed to…
A roleplay transcript by Coraline and Etain: Etain Moonflower made her rounds, watering seedlings and existing flowers. The flowers grew nicely, and the hollow smelled delightful. She noticed Coraline and another dancing amongst them and set the watering can down to walk over to them.