lyrena (13)

New Face at The Wayward King Tavern

A roleplay transcript by Iskrin, Lyrena and Gisele Valentein (played by Etain Moonflower). Iskrin Orin'Darr stepped into the Wayward King with a sour look on his face. He cast his eyes around the room but saw noone of particular interest or important, so made his…

Politics Outside The Hollow

An RP between Silmariel Quel'Silith, Lyrena Auberan and Rhea the Naiad. :: Lyrena Auberan had started to make her way towards the Hollow after previously being in her part of the city again, briefly checking on things in the barracks. The somewhat grim look on…

A Delayed Briefing

Tyrasius had risen from his deep sleep up in the Guardians bed chambers when he noticed another guard standing by, and looking like he had something to say. "What is it?" he grumbled as he sat up and had already been replacing the armor he…

Unexpected, but not Unwelcome

Lady Silmariel Quel'silith wandered into the barracks, seemingly on top of the world, for the cat-that-got-the-cream look on her face. She hummed softly to herself as she approached the Commander's office, giving what might now be a fairly familiar knock on the door. No response…