Welcome to the Crucible
A roleplay transcript by Quicka, Licorice, Lord Silence, and Silver
Shelara Keyris Sips the wine slowly as I hear Silver walk in. Her footfalls soft on the stones as was a common trait among thieves. "Greeting Silver how are things?" While not partially fond of humans, Silver had talent and smart. Traits that she did admire in any race.
Gisele Valentein finished fully dressing, tying the cords into a knot at the front of her underbust corset. Living in the Crucible meant no privacy, but she was getting used to it. Unlike Banebirch, she had no other rentals here, temporary or not. That could change in the future depending on the job, but for now things were satisfactory. And truth be told, she did not mind how things were. She had been “alone” on her last assignments in Banebirch for so long that she missed the companionship. Especially when she found she needed it most. She had worked her marks up for many months. It takes a long time to gain confidence and trust - and their fortune. She did alright though. Ok, she did more than alright. She knew what she was doing and she did it well. Even at the age of 15, she had earned the name “Silver” for her silver tongue. Silver ran her fingers through thick locks, she had braided it off to the side so that most of it would be kept out of her face for the upcoming assignment. She turned and walked over toward one of the couches, noticing Quicka already seated. “Hey, good. I see you have already dug into the wine, you lucky drow.”
Shelara Keyris Nods her head as she sipped the wine. "It is rare to get a fine vintage down here. Seems someone must have pinched a good barrel for us. Is good to see you are back. Oh Ven stopped in and was looking for you yesterday. Might want to give the guy a hollar." Keen eyes taking in every movement of the others as they went about their duties.
Gisele Valentein stood there with her mouth agape. VEN! How she loved that son of a bitch. They went back some years. Way back, actually. She first met him when she was 16. She was a little thief just beginning her apprenticeship and he taught her some tools of the trade too. “Holy shit,” she said as she slumped down onto the couch right next to Quicka, but was cautious not to cause her to spill her wine. “Ven. My god, I haven’t spoken with him in years.” She nodded her head and looked to the dark elf. “Thanks. I’ll find him.” She generally did not like drow. Most could not be trusted, but then - they were all rogues, right? None of them could really be trusted. But when you join a brotherhood, you have to have each others’ backs - as long as it didn’t compromise the mission. Definitely should never “out” one another or you could lose your fingers or your head. Or more. And as a thief, losing fingers could cost you your livelihood. So with Quicka, she viewed her as a sister, as she should do. She would definitely run a gig with her sometime. If the higher ups allowed it, that is. “Big day ahead?”
Shelara Keyris Nods her head in agreement. Ven was a cool guy and even Shelara liked him. Finishing off the wine she placed the empty glass down on the floor. Glancing at the lovely Silver. "Am waiting for word of an assignment. Things have been quiet as of late. You?" While most she did not trust, Silver was one of the exceptions to the rule in several ways. They were rogues of course. But they did work together as well as live together so some trust was earned and well deserved. Punishments was not something any of the desired. Silvers reputation was hard earned and her many successes was well known here.
Gisele Valentein lit up a small roll of paper filled with dried herbs. It was about the size of her middle finger. She inhaled deeply and nodded as Quicka spoke of jobs. Exhaling, she turned her face toward her companion. “You should talk with the guildleader. You should have a constant stream of work. I’m about to head out on a little mission in a bit. Have to go back to Millie’s Spoils. Everything shouldn’t take more than a day or two.” She brought the smoke up to her lips again, inhaling. “Do you know when Ven will be back or where I can find him? I’d love to see him before I head out.”
Shelara Keyris Crinkled her nose a bit at the smoke drifted her way. "I am hoping to speak to them today. I would love more work and to continue making a name for myself." Ponders a bit about where Ven might be. "I honest have no clue other than maybe the rats den or the market here in the underground." Shifted a bit as she sat on the couch. "Do not think he spends much time in the city. Besides he is easy enough to spot as big and strong as he is." Gives a small chuckle at the comparison of how large he is compared to herself
“Pete’s pretty okay. I like him as a leader,” Silver said as she exhaled smoke from the clove-scented herb. “There are always jobs to be had so make sure he’s doing his part and passing you assignments.” She flicked an ash into the empty cup near her feet that someone had left behind.”What’s your speciality again, Quicka?” She leaned back, folding one arm behind her head, bringing the other hand to her lips to draw on the rolled herb once more. “I’ll check the black market then. Hopefully, I can find Ven today. If not, I’ll leave him a note.”
Shelara Keyris Nods her head at the mention of Pete. "He is okay as a leader I agree. I have many talents that can be put to good use. Not just picking pockets. B&E is my main talent. I am good at slipping in thru small spaces. Picking locks is no trouble either." Nods again at the mention of leaving a note for Ven if she is unable to find him. "I do a good job at any assignment I am given. After all the bigger the score the bigger the payout." Rubs her chin as she ponders. "Would be nice to get in on really big job with huge payout.
Gisele Valentein nodded absently. Her thoughts had strayed momentarily to her meeting the day before. She crossed her legs, sliding her teeth over her lower lip. “Yeah,” she said faintly and then snapped back to the present. “Yeah, hey, a girl after my own heart,” she added, her voice raspy. It was the same racket she was working too. She had not moved on to con-games yet, and she was still undecided if she would ever transition over. Silver really hated the idea of having to leave yet another place she called home. And her friends were here - Javier, Ven… “Let Pete know you’re willing to pull a big job when one comes in. Those are always first ask, first serve.”
Shelara Keyris Brows lift a bit at the advice from Silver. "That is good to know and I most certainly will do that. I would really like to prove not only my worth, but my talent as well. I would love a real challenge something I can really sink my teeth into." A big job would show off how well she could work with others as well as give her a chance to show how talented she was. A chance to work with someone as talented as Silver would be a good step in that direction. While she was not so well versed as Silver was in seduction she did have many other talents that were just as good in a job and would be quiet useful if the time came to use them.
“Well, I’ll tell you. If they weren’t pleased with your performance then you would already be out of here. An operation like ours… they do not retain the mediocre. Each of us must excel in what we do.” Silver snuffed out her cigarette on the interior wall of the cup. “It’s probably about time I put my name in for a big one too. I’ll do that when I return. Maybe we can work together.” She looked to Quicka once more. “That’d be cool.”
Shelara Keyris Smiles for the first time at the mention of working together. "Yes it would be cool to work together. I would enjoy that very much. I will be sure to put in for one today. Who knows, we might get to work together soon." Slowly rises to her feet and starts off to speak to Pete. "You have safe journey and a big score Silver." Her spirits lifted by both the comments as well as the advice.
Gisele Valentein watched Shelara as she rose from the couch. “Thanks, Quicka. Good luck on your next assignment.” She offered her own little smile as she gazed up at the drow. “Lemme know if you get picked for a big job. With any luck we’ll both hear something soon.”
Shelara Keyris Give Silver a smile " Will do hun, and good luck to you as well." Heads out to speak with Pete and get her name down on the list for a bigger job.
Brandy Lorelei made her way into what she assumed was the crucible as she had been directed. the walls around her darkening as if untouched by the lights or the torches and candles. she slowly made her way through as she looked around stepping aside for the one heading towards her. she looked to teh one remaining and moved over closer "I am looking for the one known as Moonshine. i was told it would be a good idea to stay on their good side." she said as she set down a rather large and full coin bag "i bring an offering of good faith from an Independent." she said with a soft relatively weak smile as if she was not used to such things
Shelara Keyris Returns from speaking to Pete and having her name added to the list. Sees Brandy has arrived and waves in greeting.
Gisele Valentein lit another tightly rolled herb, eyeing Brandy curiously. Her gaze dropped down the creature’s garb to her exposed “privates” as she inhaled, enjoying the burn in her throat. “Moonshine huh?” She queried as she exhaled. “Yeah, I’ll make sure it gets to him. Who shall I say came by?” She looked beyond Brandy to Shelara’s form and smiled as she pulled the sack of coin into her lap.
Brandy Lorelei gave a soft nod "You can call me Licorice." she said with another feint smile "I turn tricks at the King. and provide a little entertainment there though i do not work for them." she said with another soft nod. she didnt seem to care that the other woman was eyeing her over nor did she seem to care about what she might be 'missing'
Gisele Valentein gave a curt nod, “yeah, I’ll tell ‘im.” She didn’t mind independent rogues, but she did find it curious this one wanted to offer her former lover coin. That she minded. “You sleep with people at the tavern? Is that what you mean? How is that working for you?” She was being a little snotty, but she was curious just the same.
Shelara Keyris Walks over to get something to eat then heads over to sit on the couch. My ears picking up the conversation between Silver and the newcomer.
Brandy Lorelei cocked her head to teh side a bit as it seems her words were misheard "I meant the occasional song and dance. as much as i enjoy it i do not generally offer those services at a cost." she said before shaking her head "I have heard there are many around here who might look down on my work so i bring offerings as to appease those who might take issue with my intrusion on their own work." she said as she raised a number of tentacles in teh shadows around her "And many tend to be scared of what i can do to question me at the tavern."
Gisele Valentein had stood, placing a hand on her hip as she looked over Licorice’s black wings while the dark creature spoke. “Oh, song and dance,” she said with a smile in her voice that did not grace her lips. “Gotcha. I doubt people would give a shit what you do, as long as you do not interfere with another’s job. Ya know?” She squeezed her hand around the neck of the large coin pouch. “But hey, this is a neutral zone which means you are welcome here. You’ll see all types here. Even those we may have conflict with outside of this guildhouse.” Silver nodded toward the tentacles, “better put those away before the guards see them as an act of aggression and kick you out.” She turned to take the first step leading toward the cots. “I’ll be right back. Going to put this away for safekeeping.”
Shelara Keyris Chews thoughtfully as I listen to the newcomers explanation and watches as Silver takes the bag to put it in safe keeping. Swallows the bite as I keep a careful watch on the dark tentacles. "I personally have not been to the Kings tavern. You sing and dance as well? You must be very good to pocket that much." Takes another bite as I look over Licorice. Taking in her wings and attire.
Brandy Lorelei laughed a bit as the tentacles formed what appeared to be a throne behind her before discipating back into the shadows and the shadows eventually fading away as well. "Well since i work the tables at the King i dont want to make someone mad because they joined my table without knowing." she said with a soft smile that was now more genuine "or if i happen to come across their table without knowing." she shook her head at the comment about her dancing "That is entirely from teh tables. and i have my ways of obtaining that much. but one has to know when to play with such fire and when to cool off
Gisele Valentein overheard bits of the conversation as she took the other two steps toward her bed. She put the coin away and locked things up, returning. “When you work at the tables, you just need to wear your rings to let fellow rogues know who you are. That’s acceptable and all that is needed.” She smiled too. “But I appreciate the coin. Are you new here, Licorice?” She bent down to put out her smoke, ready for a glass of wine herself.
Shelara Keyris Nods as I stand with my now empty dish. Heads to the water and wash it and my former glass then put them away before heading back to sit on the couch to await word from Pete. Personally she did not care to take chances with gambling but she did understand the allure of easy coin it brought others. Preferring instead to put her trust into her nimble fingers. They never let her down nor did they cost her what she had gained. "Working the tables requires skill or talent, unless one knows how to cheat." Commenting mostly to herself as she thought.
Brandy Lorelei gave a soft nod "Yes i have only been here a few days. and i did not know there were rings to where. the land i came from didnt have such things. when it came to the work we do. it was mostly every person for themselves." she said scratchign her head with the metal tips of those gloves "it is teh reason i started doing what i did here today. i have taken several lives in self defense because i stepped on someone's toes without knowing." she gave a bit of a skirt as the woman said something about knowing how to cheat "as i said there is a point in knowing when to be hot and when to cool off." she said as she left it simply at that
Gisele Valentein nodded at that. Licorice seemed genuinely interested in not stepping on anyone’s toes, namely hers. “Hey, I get it. I bet you’ll learn a lot here. As long as you keep in mind the basics, I’m sure you’ll be just fine.” Silver was in good spirits now that her pockets had been padded thanks to Licorice. She did hope that Lord Silence or the other leaders did not find out about it. But, hey, it was just a gift, right? “We got a fence here, moneylender, kick ass potions dealer and a weapons dealer too.”
Shelara Keyris Nods at what Silver and Licorice said. "Lots of talent here true. Not that it matters how you get the coin as long as you gain it. That is what matters. I can understand not wishing to step on toes. Working together and cooperating is what makes one successful here." Gives a appreciative nod to the workers in the room.
Brandy Lorelei smiled and nodded "Potions? hmm seems i may not need to make my own any longer. though mine were generally ones to make people forget what happened if they saw anything." she said with another more bright smile "WEapons do not do much for me but should i ever be useful to you. please do feel free to ask. my abilities could be useful to somebody someday should they need secrecy and stealth." she said with a nod "And i could bring you more gifts if desired."
Lord Silence stepped into the Crucible and allowed his eyes to adjust to the dim candle and fire light. There was a group of women on one of the sofas talking about something or other. He was about to move on to speak to Ghost, the money lender, when he realised that one of the women was Silver. He paused for a moment, dark eyes looking out from the shadow of his hood. He watched her listening to the others speak, his jawline highlighted by the firelight. He was not sure if she had noticed him yet - he had a useful habit of slipping in and out of spaces without being noticed until he wanted to be. But in the Crucible, all eyes were always on the door - it was hard to enter unseen. He studied the group for a moment, catalogueing each of the speakers: a Drow he though he recognized, a creature with wings and a fox tail that he had not seen before. He shook his head beneath the soft cloth of his cowl and stepped over to conduct his business with Ghost. For now at least.
Gisele Valentein had stepped away to grab a goblet of red. When she turned back, she noticed Silence had entered the Crucible again. Twice in one week, she thought, and figured it must have just been just bad luck that she hadn’t seen him in there prior (or good luck? Depended on the day). She tore her gaze away quickly, acting as if she did not see him - that she was not aware of him. “Yep, Flower makes the best poisons and potions. She can offer things in powder form as well.” Silver stepped toward the couch to where Quicka sat, lowering her voice. “Hey, I’m always up for gifts,” she said with a grin.
Shelara Keyris Sharp ears and eyes take in the hooded figure that entered the crucible. Having not seen him before she kept her watchful eyes on him. However it was apparent that Silver knew him as her body language changed. She stiffened a bit and took in a sharp breath. As the elf went to go speak with Ghost the money lender. "Gifts are good indeed." Gives a nod of my head in agreement.
Brandy Lorelei did not seem to react to the figure entering but if one looked around there would be what appeared to be a shadow by the door in the shape of an eye but she did not attempt to make mention of it. she gave a nod as if trying to appease the girls she was talking to "Then should you wish for gifts perhaps i will bring them should i find them. and i have had many items offered as bets in the past." she said before looking over towards the drow sitting on the couch with another nod
Lord Silence spoke to Ghost in hushed tones. The grizzled man handed him a piece of paper with something written on it in coded script. Lord Silence placed it carefully in a pocket inside his robe and nodded to the moneylender. Then he turned, looking again at the group, unable to stop himself from watching Silver. She must have seen him by now. She was doing a very good job of not seeing him, though. On any other day, he would have remained in the Crucible for as little time as possible. Even though it was neutral ground, he was suspicious of spaces containing so many people. He was about to make his way back out of the chamber when a whim took him. Instead of heading to the door back the way he had come, he walked on their side of the pool. As he approached, he watched the three carefully. The Drow was pretty, but appeared no more dangerous than any other of her kind. The other creature was interesting, not least because it seemed not to be wearing any pants. He made a mental note to speak to the proprietors of the Crucible.
Silver had her back to him as he approached, so he stepped quietly behind her and coughed. A small, polite sound in the back of his throat.
"Silver," he said. His voice was hushed, as usual, but carried in the space of the chamber. "Won't you introduce me to your friends?" The emphasis he placed on the final word made it sound as though he had said something profane. He looked at the human expectantly, a mean smile playing on his just visible lips.
Gisele Valentein trailed the tip of her tongue along her lips and stepped closer, hoping their voices did not carry to the guildmaster. “We can talk about this in more detail later,” she said in a hushed tone. Technically, they were supposed to share any loot they received with the guild. But this was more of a gift in Silver’s eyes so she figured there would be no harm as long as no one found out. Loot from jobs was something else altogether. It should always be split appropriately, according to guild rules. Her back straightened, and she took a sharp intake of breath when she heard his voice so near. Her surprise was barely noticeable. “Oh,” she said lightly as she turned to face him, her eyes searching the shadows of his hood as if she could see something - anything. But she could not. “Of course, Lord Silence,” she replied and turned toward her two companions. “Quicka,” she nodded toward the drow waiting for her to greet him before she lifted her chin to the newcomer, “and Licorice.” She turned back to gaze up at Silence again, afraid he would hear her heart beating from the close proximity.
Shelara Keyris Watches as the cloaked stranger walks up behind Silver. Tilts her head a bit at his words. Curious as to who this might be but keeping her thoughts to herself. Her eyebrows raising a bit when Silver mentioned the name Lord Silence. Having never met him before. She nods at the figure when Silver introduced them. "Greetings Lord Silence." Suddenly thinking to herself that she should have drank more than one glass of wine after all.
Lord Silence nodded to the two other people that Silver was speaking to. "Quicka, was it?" He paused at the name. "I believe I have read that name on a document. But I read many documents, so perhaps it is of no importance. Or perhaps I am mistaken." His tone was congenial but measured. "Where would I have read your name, Quicka?"
As the Drow responded to this, he turned his head to Silver and moved his lips close to her ear. He spoke at a volume that probably only she would hear: "I am looking forward to your visit."
Gisele Valentein wanted to take a sip of her wine just then, but she was afraid her hands would give away the nervousness she felt. She did not quite understand what was coming over her. Silver wasn’t the nervous type. Cautious, yes, but this was something completely different. She supposed it was the terms of their last meeting. After all, she could not get his words out of her head. She smiled cooly and turned back to Quicka as she spoke.
Shelara Keyris Decides wth and stands to her feet as she answers Lord Silence, while she heads over to get another glass of wine. "Perhaps it is from the jobs I have done. I have completed every mission with success and ahead of the time required. I have also request to be sent on bigger assignments to show more of my talents and ability to work with others." Stands against the wall as I take a sip of the wine.
Lord Silence shook his head slowly. When he spoke, his voice was irritated, now that he remembered Quicka was one of the Whispers and not just any Drow. "No, I don't read those. I am not interested in whatever you consider to be good performance." He looked at Silver for a moment, annoyed with her that she would spend time with this woman, and then back to Quicka again. "I am the Master of the Order, Quicka. Perhaps in your slovenly wine drinking and lounging you have not quite appreciated to whom you speak. I will leave now - I do not tarry long in the Crucible. Next time we meet, I imagine your attitude will have changed significantly. Assuming, that is, you actually wish not to displease me."
Gisele Valentein bent over to carefully set down the untouched glass of wine. She quietly listened to their conversation, her thoughts drifting to one week forward from yesterday and then snapping back to the present. She rubbed absently at her neck as she turned toward Quicka, but still stood next to Silence. She had forgotten to formally introduce the guildmaster. She just figured Quicka would know who he was. “Eh, my fault. I had no idea Quicka was not familiar with you, Lord Silence. And, honestly, I thought you met with all of your new members,” she turned her head from him, hiding her little smile. “My mistake.”
Shelara Keyris Arches her eyebrows at the words of Lord Silence. Lounging and slovenly wine drinking? Master of the order but not concerned about her performance? She had spent her whole life being trained first by her mother then as a street rat. She was good at what she did. Shoving his words away she kept her thoughts to herself showing no emotion at all. This was not the first time she had come across his kind. So this was their guild leader. Guess should show some respect. It was not a role one got to easily. "My apologies Lord Silence." Giving a slight bow.
Brandy Lorelei had taken a seat on the couch as the others spoke. she was mostly just idling now since her matters were taken care of and she was not yet ready to go to the tables so she relaxed here for the time being
Lord Silence snapped his head towards Silver. "It is not your mistake, Silver." He turned it more slowly again towards Quicka. "It is hers." His tone was icy. "A member of the Order of Whispers who has not done enough research. Deadly in the circumstances of our work. Sloppy." He listened to Quicka speak and his expression, mostly hidden in his dark hood, soured further. "Your apology is not accepted, drow." He sneered the last word. "You misunderstand your place entirely. Silver," he turned to her, anger boiling inside him, "I suggest you educate Quicka immediately. She does not want to be summoned to meet me." He nodded at the other person, having all but forgotten their presence in his irritation, then turned from the group and stalked his way to the exit.
Gisele Valentein nodded in compliance. “Of course, Lord Silence. I will work with her,” she softly said, feeling a little uncomfortable. Honestly, though, she was just glad he wasn’t taking it out on her. She swallowed as she shifted her gaze to Licorice, watching her without actually seeing her. At the mention of Quicka being summoned, Silver’s eyes narrowed. There was a darkness in those blue eyes, and she felt both anger and jealousy. She shook her head, mostly to herself as he had already made his way toward the door. She bent down, reaching for her wine glass. Now was a great time for that drink
Shelara Keyris Watches as Lord Silence heads to the door to leave. Keeping her mouth shut. Having forgotten about Licorice for the time being.
Brandy Lorelei studdied what was giong on as she watched the hooded one leave before looking back over to silver her one eye seeming to study everything going on and showed a bit fo confusion
Gisele Valentein blew out a breath of air, feeling her hair tickle her cheek as she did so. “Quicka, hey, we’ll get together and talk about things privately. Sound good? For now let’s forget about it for a bit and have another drink.” She still nursed her first one, but who was counting? She turned it back, taking a great big gulp of it.
Shelara Keyris Stares at the door and ponders. "I have a better idea next time ill just make like a tree and leave when he arrives."
Brandy Lorelei raised her brow at the conversation " Seems most are not as friendly as you two are. a shame. people like that are the ones i often run into who take issue with my work because it might affect theirs."
Gisele Valentein cradled the goblet in her hand. She wouldn’t speak anymore of things right then. Not in front of the stranger, anyway. “I’d better go and put in my name for a big job too,” she said, speaking to Quicka. “With any luck, we’ll have a project with a nice big payout together.” She set the glass down and looked to the winged rogue. “Good luck out there, Licorice,” she said in parting as she made her way toward the door.
Shelara Keyris Nods her head at Licorice and Silver. Then washes out her glass to put it away . Best to keep her mouth shut for now. "I am gonna go see about some work later for now think a nap is what I really need. Will be night soon and that is best time to work."
Brandy Lorelei gave a soft nod as the woman left before looking back up "well then seems the mood here has gone sour. she sighed as she slowely made her way to her feet to head out "Well since everything has been killed i guess i will go find something to do."
Gisele Valentein hesitated and turned back to give Quicka a nod, then shifted her gaze to Licorice. As much as Silence angered her, she would give him the respect he deserved. “Guildmasters aren’t generally friendly. Hell, most of us aren’t. We’re fucking rogues. And as our guildmaster we owe him our respect. Period. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.” She gave Licorice and Quicka a final look before turning back and finished crossing the distance to reach the door.
Shelara Keyris Lays on the cot fully dressed and nods at Silvers words. "Take care Licorice, was nice meeting you."