Who is Jacob Broome?
by Iskrin West
West steps into the small police office and up to the desk. "Howdy."
Detective Spiritor glances up and arches a brow briefly. "Hello."
West tilts his head down, looking over his glasses slightly and then taps his badge. "West," he says. "Licensed retrieval officer looking for some information."
Detective Spiritor purses his lips and then gives him a curt nod. "Heard of ya. What information are you looking for?"
"Lookin' to find a Jacob Broome. Got a CLAW out for him from LoveBot. Wondered if he'd shown up on your system?" He looks the officer evenly in they eyes for a moment. "If it's not too much trouble."
Detective Spiritor returns the eye contact and nods again as his seems to lose visual focus briefly. One eye dilates and he nods again. "Broome, Jacob. Yeah, we got a file. Bit light. Not sure it will do you much good but I can transfer the file over to you. Will your business address do? I've got here."
West nods. "Yeah. Fine," he says. "Thanks." He turns to go and then stops. "You're new?" he asks after a moment. "I usually talk to Rezzer. Officer Reznik, that is."
Detective Spiritor blinks momentarily. "File's been sent." He grimaces slightly at the question. "Nah, usually don't work the front desk is all. We don't usually get the CLAW files sent over to us, so if there's something in that you think we should know." he leaves the statement hanging.
West pulls a holopad out of his pocket and looks at the file for a moment. "Nope," he says after a few seconds. "Looks pretty run-of-the mill." He puts the device away and turns back to the man. "I didn't catch your name, officer?"
Detective Spiritor grunts and smirks at the reply. "Uh huh. Detective. Detective Spiritor."
West smiles slightly, filing the name away. "Nice to meet you detective. Glad they've let you out into the daylight today." He lifts his artificial hand up to his face and uses the smooth metal to scratch at his stubble. As he does so he speaks thoughtfully: "Rezzer usually lets me know when you guys get a CLAW file sent over. Mostly it's administrative error. But sometimes it's… for other reasons. It's helpful for a guy like me to get that kind of intel ASAP, you know?"
Detective Spiritor arches a brow. "I see. Suppose it doesn't hurt to forward files like that along. Could explain why Rezzer has been splashing about a bit."
West smiles. "I wouldn't know." He looks the detective up and down. "Can I ask you a personal question, Detective Spiritor?"
Detective Spiritor's brows furrow as he looks at West directly for a long moment. His face smooths and he snorts softly. "Yeah, sure. What do you want to know?"
"Why'd you become a cop?" West says, looking calmly at the detective. "I mean, it's a shitty job these days, right? So why do you do it?"
Detective Spiritor snorts again. "It's not a popular opinion. World's mostly corporate. Doesn't look to be going any other way any time soon." He shrugs. "That old adage, money makes the world go round is more true than ever." He inhales deeply. "People fall through the cracks all the time. Corp-Sec isn't gonna look out for them. Hell, most city police officers won't either. Still, someone should."
West sighs and shakes his head. "An idealist, huh?" he asks with a hint of amusement in his voice. "I suppose there's worse things to be." He looks thoughtfully at the detective for a moment. "That hardware," he says, pointing to the man's augments. "You payin' that comfortably?"
Detective Spiritor chuckles. "Not so idealistic I've lost touch with reality." He reaches up and scratches below the ear mod on the right side of his head. "Bills are paid. May not be getting ahead exactly, but I ain't in the streets."
West smiles. "Well," he says, "you find that ever changes…" He pauses for a moment and then appears to change his mind. "Well, I'll wish you good luck with that. Thank you for humoring me, detective Spiritor."
Detective Spiritor nods. "Sure thing Mr. West. You need help with anything else of a criminal nature, you know where we are."
West nods. "I do, detective. Be seein' ya."
Detective Spiritor watches him depart with a slight shake of his head before taping on the keyboard at the desk. He pops his knuckles and heads outside, pulling out an electronic cigarette, nodding to the watch officer before clicking it on and sticking it in his mouth to inhale deeply.