A snippet from the life of Iskrin Orin'Darr Iskrin watched Etain leave his office and returned to sit on the sofa. He poured himself a second cup of tea and looked into the flames. She had asked him a question that he had not answered.
A roleplay transcript by Lyrena Auberan and Iskrin Orin'Darr :: Lyrena Auberan entered the palace again, clad in full uniform, not long after dawn. The Blood elf looked like she hadn't slept much, reasonably so. It was only yesterday that the King had vanished from…
:: Matisse took a few unsure steps exiting the lift he had just taken up into the tower, making his way towards the only platform extending outwards, noting the figure aboard the ship silently but for now being more interested by the tower itself. He'd…
There are many technologies for taking a vehicle into the sky in Ysa Thalas, from the mechanical to the magical. The Skyships of the Glimmering Isles are of the latter kind. Each ship is tethered to a Glimmerstone - a naturally occurring floating rock that…
A roleplay transcript by Lyrena Auberan and Iskrin Orin'Darr : Iskrin Orin'Darr spotted a familiar figure as he looked down from the deck of the Solemn Promise. He he made his way down the Sky Tower's clockwork elevator and strode along the marble walkway hoping…