Skolvor (5)

Sword Swap

A roleplay transcript by Silmariel Quel'silith and Skolvor Vikaris :: Skolvor Vikaris slithered along the cliff wall watching the sunset and making his way to the spot opposite the skull of the great dragon's skeleton. His tail ached where Lyrena had sliced him. His magic…

Ambush in the Hills of Keshel

A roleplay transcript by Lyrena Auberan, Malekith Helerodis, Caldiin Daetris and Skolvor Vikaris TL;DR - Not everyone can win! :: The Caravan had travelled some distance out of the city, it was quiet for the most part but as they entered into a clearing. ::…

Wizards, weapons and wet pants

A roleplay transcript by Lyrena Auberan and Skolvor Vikaris (played by Iskrin Orin'Darr) TL;DR Lyrena and Skolvor square up to each other but no blood is shed. Someone wets their pants. Skolvor doesn't get the Sword of Askamran. Lyrena learns something troubling about a friend.

A negotiation

A roleplay transcript by Silmariel Quel'silith and Iskrin Orin'Darr (playing as Skolvor) Skolvor made his way along the rocky shoreline at the edge of Moonwillow Forest, heading in the direction of Summerhall. He watched the waves roll against the rocky beach and flicked his tongue…

Visiting old enemies

Skolvor slithered into the Mage Guild of Ansa`fel. A few of the acolytes gave him a pleasingly terrified look, but most of the mages appeared to take little notice. No doubt they saw all manner of strange creatures. He made his way up the winding…